Teeth brightening is the way toward expelling stains and discolouration from teeth through a blanching procedure to make them look “more white”.

For vigorously recolored teeth, a methodology as basic as a scale and clean from a dental hygienist can essentially enhance their appearance and make them look “more white”.

Laser Tooth Whitening

Laser tooth brightening or in-surgery brightening is a technique that happens at the dental practice and uses a light-actuated fading gel to brighten your teeth. The strategy for the most part takes approx 1 – 2 hours and produces moment brightening comes about.

Dr. Neelu Phogat

Dr. Neelu Phogat

B.D.S. M.D.S. (Endodontics)

Root Canal Specialist & Cosmetic Dentist

10 Years Experience Overall

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