It is a method where a gravely rotted or broke or dead tooth is spared by evacuating its delicate part (mash) from the crown and the base of the tooth. Mash is situated in the center of the crown and foundation of the tooth. It resembles embalming a dead tooth to save it.


  • Decayed tooth
  • Painful tooth
  • Non-imperative or dead tooth
  • Trauma uncovering the mash
  • Grossly attrided tooth
  • Intentional RCT


A Deep Infection

Root canal treatment is required when a harm ora substantial pit uncovered the tooth’s mash and the root gets to be distinctly contaminated or excited.

Course to achieve the mash of the tooth

The dental specialist may numb the tooth in the event that it is difficult. An opening is made through the crown of the tooth to the mash chamber.

Evacuating the Infected/Inflamed Tissue

Extraordinary documents are utilized to clean the disease and unhealthy mash is expelled out of the canals. Then they shape the canals for the filling material. Water system is utilized to clean the canals and expel flotsam and jetsam.

Filling the Canals

The canales are loaded with a changeless latent elastic material called gutta-percha cones. This keeps the canals free of disease or pollution and fills the dead space.

Revamping the tooth

A transitory filling material is put on top of the gutta-percha to seal the opening. The filling stays until the tooth gets a lasting filling or a crown. A crown, in some cases called a top is set over the highest point of the tooth. It would appear that a characteristic tooth

Additional Support

At times, a post is put into the root alongside the gutta-percha. This gives the crown more support.

The Crowning/topping of the root canal treated tooth

To keep the Root canal treated tooth from crack, a counterfeit empty dental crown is built and established over it.


  • In instance of profoundly carious tooth the main treatment choices are expulsion of tooth or the root canal treatment (RCT). However root canal treatment (RCT) is extremely traditionalist strategy which spares the common tooth.
  • Subsequently root canal treatment (RCT) keeps the bone misfortune and keeps up the solidness of the adjoining tooth.
  • Most of the time the torment is identified with the mash tissue just and the strategy is pretty much effortless.
  • As contrasted with other teeth substitution systems after extraction, sparing the characteristic tooth by root canal treatment (RCT) is very financially savvy and better choice.
Dr. Neelu Phogat

Dr. Neelu Phogat

B.D.S. M.D.S. (Endodontics)

Root Canal Specialist & Cosmetic Dentist

10 Years Experience Overall

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