December 21, 2022

Invisalign Or Braces: Which Is Better?

There is no technique better than another, since each one has different characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and even economic differences. In this regard, it is essential to take into account the diagnostic method and determine what should be done in each case on the advice of the specialist, be it invisalign or braces.

In the end, in orthodontic treatments, it is the specialist who, after studying and examining the patient’s oral health, will recommend one system and another to perfectly align the teeth.

If you want to know more about this topic, we will tell you everything below!

How Are Invisalign Different From Braces?

The difference between one treatment or another usually varies in the following aspects:

  • Cleaning

The invisalign splint can be cleaned optimally, since it can be removed whenever you need it.

However, cleaning brackets is more difficult, since it must be done on each tooth thoroughly. This will be a bit more complex and carrying out the respective sanitization can be tedious, since food residues could accumulate if proper brushing is not carried out. Therefore, they are more susceptible to the appearance of cavities or harmful agents.

  • Aesthetic

The invisalign system is almost impossible to see because it is transparent, improving aesthetics.

Instead, brackets offer a metallic appearance, although there are certain ceramic alternatives that help disguise the metal appearance. It even allows various shades like sapphire!

  • Duration of an appointment

Brackets count as an orthodontic service, so the appointment usually lasts approximately twenty to thirty minutes. In contrast, the invisalign system only takes about fifteen minutes.

  • Interval between appointments

Invisalign splints offer a great advantage and that is that you will not have to go to the clinic monthly because scheduled consultations or appointments usually take place after six or eight weeks.

However, the appointment interval of the brackets will depend on the care that each person dedicates to them, since, sometimes, they may fall off or the arch itself ends up breaking for no apparent reason, varying the consultations or appointments in a way weekly, biweekly or monthly.

  • Patient commitment

In order for the treatment to be successful and the objectives set are met, the patient must wear the splint for twenty-two hours a day, since, in the event that the established time is not achieved, they will have to be rewarded with overtime.

On the other hand, brackets, being a system that will be kept in the oral cavity until a set period, without the possibility of extracting them, the effectiveness of the treatment will be given by going to scheduled consultations or appointments without missing any.

  • Tooth movement

Invisalign splints limit certain movements or dental displacements, so the help of some extra techniques will be necessary to complete their function.

However, with the brackets, there will be no problems with respect to the movement that it has, since it usually adjusts perfectly with any movement that is issued, whether slight or complex.

Invisalign Or Braces: Which Treatment To Choose?

A good orthodontist must know how the various techniques work, both invisalign and brackets, in order to select the type of technique that is best for treating their patients.

However, there are certain factors to consider before selecting it. They stand out from them:

  • Patience on the part of the patient

This factor is fundamental, since, normally, people tend to get tired when wearing braces, especially because they have a tendency to get canker sores or sores in the mouth.

  • Lifestyle

Those people with little free time benefit more from short appointments like invisalign. However, brackets, as they are splints that are changed, you have to have more time to go to the dentist.

In terms of oral hygiene and the way in which the teeth tend to move, invisalign turns out to be the most preferred alternative for those who lead a more relaxed lifestyle.

  • Treatment duration

Invisible aligners are not visible or noticeable. In addition, they do not hurt and are usually focused on patients with aesthetic expectations and cases with milder or more moderate crowding or separation. In short, those cases that require shorter treatment times.

In addition, it offers greater comfort and well-being to the patient during treatment, both at the level of dental aesthetics and due to the possibility of removing the splints at specific times.

However, braces are visible, they tend to cause mispronunciation, they hurt, they are fixed, they cause injuries and, in addition, they are usually treatments that are focused on complex cases. Normally with malocclusion and that require more time.

  • Treatment effectiveness

Both brackets and Invisalign are perfectly effective in fulfilling their mission, especially with regard to dental alignment and final results. However, it will depend on the needs of each specific patient.

  • complexity level

The invisalign splint is an orthodontic method based on transparent sleeves and is responsible for correcting all problems related to the smile, bite or oral cavity.

On the other hand, brackets are indicated for any type of incorrect alignment of the teeth, solving more complicated cases such as treatment with sensitive gums, open or deep bite, slight crowding or any dental displacement that requires large root movements, such as extractions.

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