Tooth loss can happen for some reasons (periodontal problem, rot or injury). Dentures have been utilized to replace missing teeth for a long time now. Elective techniques used to supplant missing teeth incorporate dental implants and fixed bridges.

The loss of your teeth can affect your confidence, your capacity to bite sustenance and your nibble. Since your teeth give structure and support to your cheeks, tooth misfortune can bring about the sagging of your cheeks and make you seem more established than you are. It is basic that you’re missing teeth are supplanted as quickly as time permits.

Dentures are removable swaps for your teeth, intended to look and capacity like your own characteristic teeth and encompassing gum tissues. Cutting edge dentures can look extremely practical and common and feel great.

At the point when every one of your teeth are feeling the loss of, a total denture is utilized to supplant them, while if just a couple of teeth need supplanting, a fractional denture or overdenture is utilized. Incomplete dentures can keep your current sound teeth from moving after tooth misfortune.

Dentures are for the most part created from acrylic gums. With advances in cutting edge restorative dentistry, there are a wide assortment of materials accessible for dentures, and your dental specialist may give you a few choices, including the most recent adaptable Valplast corrective dentures.

Dr. Neelu Phogat

Dr. Neelu Phogat

B.D.S. M.D.S. (Endodontics)

Root Canal Specialist & Cosmetic Dentist

10 Years Experience Overall

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